Updated: 21.02.2015
The Porvoon RadioHarrastajat Ry radio club was founded in 1993 but there hasn't been a suitable club station site until the year 2003! That's why our club callsign OH2ABB (no connection with the ABB company whatsoever) hasn't been on the air too much. The club station is in the centre of Porvoo in the bomb shelter of a former printing factory! Now we are finally "at home". Porvoo is a town of 40 000 people and is just half an hour away from our nation's capital Helsinki by the River of Porvoo.
There are some active contesters in our radio club, like Erik OH2BPA and Jouko OH1EE. We are also very proud to have Pertti OH2PM as our honorary member. He has brought us wealth of experience on contesting, field days and DXpeditions.
So Far on contests:
We participated on RSGB IOTA Contest 2004.
Above you can see some photos of our IOTA Contest station in a cabin on Emäsalo island in the Gulf of Finland.In the photos you can see Kari OH2KU, Miika OH2LOI and Pertti OH2PM. Pertti was the one doing the CW.Other operators and station builders were Timo OH2HXP, Erik OH2BPA, Kari OH2HXR, Asko OH2JMF, Pekka OH2JJMand Tapsa OH2HXT. Thanks guys!RESULTS
Island Multi-Operator